Free standing Pull up bar : An effective way to cure sciatica and disc herniation

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If you are a patient of sciatica or disc herniation and your back aches like hell then you should definitely be reading this piece of information. Simple back exercises can help you curing the sciatic pain. Among these exercises, the simple hanging stretch on a free standing pull up bar is the most used and effective method. By this simple stretch, you not only push this pain away from your back but also make sure that it doest come back.

Kt folding free standing pull up bar is the instrument that one must use in order to perform this simple stretch. This folding pull up bar is a smart, convenient and high-quality sport medical equipment. It is developed by khanhtrinhvn that is a Vietnamese-based

Kt folding free standing pull bar is the very simple instrument that can be carried anywhere due to its low weight and simple built. It is adjustable, this means that it can be adjusted to a user’s height. As it is carried easily, so you can either use it in your bedroom, your drawing room or even in your back yards. Many people do keep it in their bedrooms so they don’t forget to use it. The people who are struggling with sciatica do keep this item in their workplaces and after every two hours o working hey stand up from their seats and hang on the bar.

As the pull-up bar can be adjusted to your favorable height, so it is important that one should choose such a grip that is convenient to them. In order to get the perfect the handlebar height, you don’t have to jump or kip as it can affect your back.

Here are the following things that you have to do in order to have a most convenient handlebar height.

  • First set up the KT folding bar get into the middle of the bar.

  • Then stand upright and touch the bar make sure that your middle finger is touching the bar, do not get on your tip toes. This is the right handlebar height.

  • Now the place wooden slabs or bricks that are about 5-7 cm and keep them away about 60 centimeters on the place where you are standing.

  • Now after some warm up movements step up on those wooden slabs or bricks

  • In this way, you easily will grab the bar

  • After grabbing the bar gradually lift in such a way that your toes are lifted from the ground for about 2 feet

  • Make sure that your hands are equally spaced from each other

  • And while hanging do not bend your legs as they are not good for your back muscles.

  • While hanging on the bar ensure that you are relaxed and in a comfortable posture

  • Now after 15 seconds of hanging come back to your original position

  • Land on those wooden slabs or bricks

  • After the exercise is done lay down in the bed so that your spine is relaxed.

  • The two best time of exercising is after waking up in the morning and before going to sleep in the night.

  • Hang about 5 times and each time should take about 15 seconds.


By doing this your spine is stretched by your body weight. Thus giving you relief from the sciatic pain. This is effective due to its natural muscle relaxation impact. It helps in the location recovery in the disc. Enhancing durability of lumber ligaments and tendons in the spine.

Numerous customers have used it and have all praises for it as they ave seen the results. Most people have appreciated its simplicity. Affordability and its immense safety as while hanging if somehow you slip you will definitely hang on your feet. So do order one of these items and get yourself free from sciatic pain.

Chin Up Bar | Free standing pull up bar


anh kim buiFree standing Pull up bar : An effective way to cure sciatica and disc herniation

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