Global Campaign for peace and nonviolence

Cultura, 2495 veces leido

It will be a spread of what has been called " Global Campaign for Peace and Non-Violence " the next day June 18 lands in Bucharest , Romania , in order to connect with people sensitive to a project that has to do with fundamental questions such as who am I ? or where I am going ? we get to the heart of man and why this action. Modern man needs to change the focus and update the chip to glimpse the future and the dawn of a new world in the universe. We need to feel the other, the brother, the neighbor, our partner , and in this state we can talk about political progress , because politics is that, first the commune , family, our environment, and it will be nothing . In this dilemma we are . 
We will make a series of raids in Guinea Conakry , Guinea Bissau , Egypt , Tunisia, etc ... always with the idea to converge with other cultures, acclimate , to be with them , laugh is the most important , laughter is critical because there where we begin to understand . These and also many more projects in future we will develop this year and next 2017. Nothing more, thank you very much . Jesus Antonio Fernandez Olmedo , Writer Spanish .

Jesus Antonio Fernandez OlmedoGlobal Campaign for peace and nonviolence

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